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Kashmir Silk Carpets Melbourne


The Persian rug is a beloved interior decor purchase that is more of an investment to high-class living. It reflects your character, coordinates the colours, and gives a vibrant look to your room. But taking care of your Persian rug requires adequate information about the delicate and beautiful artisan product. Here are some tips to maintain the exquisite Persian Rugs Melbourne:


Ideally, to keep your Persian rug in the best shape, you must use a fabric layer below it. This will prevent damp or heavy footfall to impact the rug directly, by providing a cushion underneath. It will also ensure that your rug is stable, reducing movement or friction.


A larger rug will have several pieces of furniture on it, and the feet of your chair, table, or sofa may have sharp ends. Therefore, furniture cups are important to avoid having any holes on your Persian rug. You can get these in plastic, wood, metal, or brass in Melbourne or even online.


When your furniture is settled on the rug, the dark space under the heavy piece of furniture is a great breeding ground for moths. You must vacuum this place thoroughly to avoid getting your woollen or silk rug eaten up by these creatures.


Most people consider turning their Persian rugs once a month so that the wearing is uniform all across. Otherwise, the places where furniture is set will stay vibrant while the rug fades a little in the footfall area. However, it is a personal preference.


In places where there is good sunlight, you must look after the damage caused by the UV rays. Persian rugs Melbourne require special care in this aspect as UV rays can increase the fading process. You can consider having a UV filter on your windows, near the rug.


In Melbourneif you find your rug shredded or damaged in any way, look after it immediately. After all, a stitch in time saves nine. Moreover, never leave the stains to dry out and leave permanent damage to your Persian rug.


Never use heavy pressure or vacuum on your delicate Persian rugs. Rather, use suction to clean however much you can. And for cleaning purposes, only trust a professional to take care of the Persian rugs. You can try a specialist soaking every 5 years too, for deep cleaning. Avoid vacuuming the fringes at all.

Love your current rug or looking for a new Persian rug? What can be better than having a look at the online catalogue of Woven Treasures for the rarest collection available in Melbourne! Don’t miss out on the amazing deals that they have on the finest selection of luxury rugs. For more details, reach them out at  (03) 9425 9358 or mail at

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